DWalsh headshotToronto, Canada

Deirdre Walsh coaches women who are stretching beyond their comfort zone to explore what authentic leadership means to them. Sometimes it’s growing into new responsibilities and sometimes it’s being more real and present to what’s already there. She helps them connect inwardly and mindfully to move forward through the “not knowing” to a place of embracing their power with resiliency, all the while keeping them off the “crazy train” of stress.

Deirdre is an integrative health coach, certified through Duke Integrative Medicine. She has completed two levels of the Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program and meditates at a local Shambhala centre. She started her career as a marketing consultant in healthcare and has a degree in Biochemistry. After decades of experimenting with meditative practices she truly understood the value when she leaned on meditation to help her through a period of chronic fatigue.

email: [email protected]
website: www.deirdrewalsh.ca

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