The Deep River in Montreal, Canada
Deep River facilitator and longtime psychosynthesis practitioner Libby Parker starts a new Deep River course on April 3.
Libby says, “With a foundation in psychosynthesis, and based on the book Finding The Deep River Within by Abby Seixas, a beautiful guide towards ‘recovering balance and meaning’ in everyday life, this is a very practical course which will deepen your connection to yourself, and increase your capacity to authentically connect with others. It will also offer the opportunity to explore a place of depth and wisdom which resides within all of us but is often left untapped in our busy and over stimulated daily life. Creating a life of balance is easier when we can expand our experience of what we are capable of, so this course is all about challenging existing outdated limits and breaking free of old perceptions of who we think we are.
“Why I love to offer this course based on this book: In describing one of the practices of Finding the Deep River Within, Abby writes: ‘An interesting thing happens. The tangle inside my head straightens out, quiets down, and clarity begins to appear… it feels like I am being given a gift… I drop down into a deeper place within myself, where there is always some kind of nourishment for my soul.’
“Once a week we gather and explore what may be standing between our often over-stimulated and distracted daily life and taking time to nourish our soul. Once we see what holds us back, it is much easier to create a plan for including more soulful times in our day; life changes when we embrace stillness and silence. Not always an easy task, we learn how to slow down and welcome who we are in quiet moments.”
6 weeks beginning April 3, 7 p.m.
For more information, contact Libby at info@solutionsfromwithin or
(514) 222-1471.